Presentation of the Children´s Home Znojmo
The Children´s Home, Znojmo, Hakenova 18 (next only the Home) is a facility of a family type which is controlled by the Regional Office for needs of institutional care. It offers care for children and youngs according to the law number 109/2002, 334/2003, 438/2006 and Children´s Acts.
Every employee of our institution works best in hormony with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In our Home, there are offered all needs for the children – education, material equipment, cultural programmes, sport events and removing of psychic
The Home was established in 1905 originaly as an orphanage. So children and staff lost their „roof over heads“. Then the Home was settled at several places and in 1963 was removed into a house on Na Návrší 3 street. There is one of its workplace also in these days.
The house Na Návrší 3 has been an object of restitution since 1992, so any reconstruction is not possible. As a result there was a need to find other building on Hakenova 18 street. When this house was rebuilt (total price 14 mil. crowns), new workplace was opened on 16 June 2006. Now the Home works at three places – Na Návrší 3, Hakenova 18 and Přímětice 536 – capacity increased to number of fifty four children. The Home has seven family groups and it became one of the biggest facilities of institutional care in the Czech
Family type
The children are divided into seven family groups different from age, sex and nationality. They attend various primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the town.
There are four family groups on Hakenova street (together 32 children and youngs). The building contains new modern equipment, it is located in a garden. There is place for sport, relaxing and culture events.
There are two family groups on Na Návrší street (together 16 children and youngs). There is a garden with a smaller playground, too.
One of family groups lives in Přímětice in a three roomed flat. This is a rental housing, the group was established in 2003. The flat was equiped with modern furniture. This family group looks after 6 children. They have to do all housework and shopping on their own. There is a school, a playground and two supermarkets not far from the flat, so children can spend more time outside. They can integrate and make friends. The children and their aunt or uncle prepare together all menu and they help to cook.
The family teaches the children to be completely independent. All children will be able to leave the Home and have full-value life.
There are twenty two educational workers and eleven operating workers in the
Forms of work
There are used such forms of educational work that are concerned to development of children´s psychic and physic health.
Every child prepares for school, does his or her homework, studies and practises own skills.
Our workers educate children in many activities such as – sport, music, traffic operations and driving rules, moral and art abilities. The kids are still in close touch with adults during all-day activities, their vocabulary and speech have been improved. Adults should be a good example of their behaviour.
Every child does all tasks according to its age and abilities. Everybody have a posibility for outdoor activities – sport, walks, rides bike, swimming and so on. Also they can visit some concerts, theatre performance or
Basic ideas of work:
– independence, preparing for life and every-day responsibilities
– complete self-attendants
– regardfull approach to the other people and the equipment of the Home
– decorum at the Home and in public
– studiousness, good-will
– creation of the men´s personality
– creation of the basic living rules, healthy life style
– responsibility in the action
– formation of ambition to have own operating family
– progress of feelings and ensuring of optimal solution their tasks in life
Problems in the Home
Permanent and systematic work means valuable improvements and changes. The new building was rebuilt on Hakenova street, in the same time one home near Kyjov was disestablished, some of children and property were transfered to Znojmo. Different principles of work in both Homes have been slowlly joined to the best of everybody. Other problems (mainly economical) are that some of parents do not pay charges for their children and that courses of substitute upbringing (foster care and adoption) are very long lasting.
One of the biggest problems is dissatisfaction with preparing for future job, living and responsibility. There is the emphasis put on the independence which is the base for the moment when child leaves the
Contact and connection
The address: Dětský domov, Znojmo, Hakenova 18, 669 02 Znojmo
Phone numbers: +420 515 224 506, +420 515 224 486
Fax numbers: +420 515 260 467, +420 515 224 494
The Headmaster: Mgr. Antonín Nachtnebl (since 1995)
Account number: KB Znojmo 195054050217/0100
News of the Children´s Home
Cooperative organizations and institutions
There is a need of good cooperation and coordination of every subject for all activities in our Home. Our most important co-workers are
– The School Office of the Regional Office in Brno
– The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
– The Municipal Office in Znojmo
– The Chidren´s Home in Jemnice
– The Home of Children and Youngs in Znojmo
– The Beseda in Znojmo – theatre club
– The South Moravian Museum in Znojmo
– school facilities in Znojmo and its surroundings
– The Child´s Diagnostic Home in Brno
– The Child Mental Home in Velká Bíteš
– The Rotary Club in Znojmo
After we balanced the passed period, we can submite that the Czech citizens are very tolerant and considerate, they perceive the children that can not live in their own families. Our children get from thouse people the assurance of solidarity, friendship and love. The perceiving people often offer some material equipment (such as cloth, toys, sweets) without charge, too.
We thank very much in this way everybody who made something pozitive for children and youngs in our
Our thanksgiving
We are obliged mainly people, organizations and firms such as:
The MONA Znojmo
The ELNAS Znojmo
The Hypernova Znojmo
The Provident Financial Praha
The Czech Moravian Building Savings Znojmo
The Radio Kiss Hády Brno
The Travel Agency ABC Tours Znojmo
The Travel Agency Livingstone Brno
The POMONA Těšetice
The H & M Znojmo
The PENAM Znojmo
The GRANERO Vlasatice
The Autotransport P. Nešpor Znojmo
The Agency JANYT Znojmo
The Radio Blaník Znojmo
The NESON Znojmo
a country band Paroháči Znojmo
The Prison Service Znojmo
The Primary School Břežany
Next we thank Mr. Jiří Gruna, Ing. Mr. Jan Novák, Mr. Petr Lobpreis, Mrs. Milena Filáková, Mr. Martin Moučka, Mrs. Marie Soukalová, Mr. Arnošt Modráček, Mr. Václav Štaffa.
Two most expressive thanks are addressed to
– The Foundation of Tereza Maxová, especially Mrs. Vojtíková, that supplies our Home with tickets to various performances in cultural and social
The Foundation of Livie and Václav Klaus, that together with The Commercial Bank in Znojmo subscribe to children´s bank accounts. These financial amounts help at the moment when kids leave the
What we are preparing in these
1 – stay in the mountains in Pec pod Sněžkou (15 – 23 March)
2 – hip hop
3 – „The bonniest concert“